SUPPLY CHAINReduction of emissions, source of renewable energy, efficient use of materials, as well as the respect of the environment and the employees: these are the goals we have set for our own organisation, the same values we seek in our partners. |
MATERIALSWe are constantly looking for innovative, eco-friendly materials that can meet the requirements of zero-impact production.Our upholstery collection includes a wide selection of 100% recycled fabrics. |
RECYCLINGCycle, Recycle.From the packaging to the finished product, we believe that making all the components of our products as recyclable as possible is a challenge that we must take. |
Milos Lounge is our first Econa product.From now on, the Econa products datasheet will be updated with the material mapping, the circularity indicators and other relevant information. | |
MATERIAL MAPPINGIntuitive graphics will explain the products’ composition and the ratio of the materials used for their manufacturing. Our research into eco-friendly materials continues. | |
CIRCULARITY INDICATORSThese 4 indicators are the expression for our products’ circularity performance and the outcome of Sitland’s sustainable approach to design. | |